Online Order and Home Delivery of Medicines Alliance

Join the Online Order and Home Delivery of Medicines Alliance (OnHOME) Call to Action

The OnHOME Alliance has the single objective to enable patients throughout Europe to receive their prescription medicines online. 8 Member States have provided this benefit for many years now, leaving 19 that do not. The Alliance aims to remove such inequality so that all patients throughout the EU may have the convenience and efficiency of a safe and secure way of receiving the prescription medicines direct to their home or delivery address of their choice.

We support and encourage all pharmacies to provide this extra choice for patients. It is especially important for chronic and disabled patients to have this choice, as well as those living in rural areas and their carers.

Policy Makers

To enable patients the choice of prescription medicines online, it is essential all policy makers are fully engaged.
Policy Makers

Patient Organisations

Join the Alliance to advocate for patient safety benefits.
Patient Organisations

Our Partners


Online access to prescription medicines has been a safe and secure reality for many years for 8 EU Member States (and 3 EEA countries).

Unfortunately, this means that 19 Member States currently deny their citizens this benefit and thus prevent patients from having freedom to choose how to obtain their medication.

The revision of the General Pharmaceutical Legislation (GPL) provides a once in a generation opportunity to address this patient inequality and to empower pharmacies across all Member States by offering additional patient services – online dispensing service and home delivery.

A major study published by Copenhagen Economics in January 2024 clearly revealed the significant benefits of digital access to prescription medicines, particularly those who are chronically ill and living in rural areas.

These patients and their carers often face challenges due to the distance to a physical pharmacy, mobility issues or time constraints. Offering the option for prescription medicines to be safely delivered to their homes would significantly enhance their well-being.


If you realise that you need this medication now because you picked up the prescription just before the deadline and then suddenly fall ill or suddenly get corona or something, then of course it's [sic] very inconvenient. It can always happen. Especially if you live alone, which I still do, then you don't have anyone who can pick it up for you.
If you have stomach problems, you eventually learn where every public toilet is (…) This has definitely made me order more from pharmacies online.
My husband almost always goes; I wait in the car unless it's a change of medication and then I go myself.
If you realise that you need this medication now because you picked up the prescription just before the deadline and then suddenly fall ill or suddenly get corona or something, then of course it's [sic] very inconvenient. It can always happen. Especially if you live alone, which I still do, then you don't have anyone who can pick it up for you.
“It's easy, it's fast, you can usually do it when you want, you don't have to go there (to the pharmacy), and you can save on gas or bus fare.
I take the same thing [sic] every month. If I could have it delivered to my home on the 1st of the month, then I would avoid forgetting [sic], which wouldn't be bad.

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